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Build Season Week 6 Overview




Fully extended climber arms

The Manufacturing subteam, led by Jameson C. B'25, Charlie K. B'25, Yvonne C. B'25, and Cole W. B'24, exhibited substantial progress in the competition robot. The team focused on wiring the newly installed drive base swerve modules for the competition bot, emphasizing work on CAN chains and CANcoders. They milled parts, creating exact lengths and rivet holes in drive rails and center bars.

The subteam successfully addressed challenges, such as the rewiring of the practice bot after the climber extension motors installation. CNCing and milling extended to the production of components for both the practice bot and competition bot, encompassing shooter parts, climber bars, amp arm bars, and bumper hardware. The assembly of critical mechanisms, such as the shooter/intake for the competition bot and the climber for the practice bot, further highlighted Manufacturing's dedication to competition preparation.


Keirnan M. B'27's planning board for auto paths

The Programming subteam, under the leadership of Julia S. B'24 and Lauren L. B'25, made much progress. They wrestled with intricate PID tuning for the linkage, successfully determining values for kG, kS, and kP. Accomplishments included collaborative work on limelight adjustments, tackling challenges arising from the bot's breakdowns, necessitating sensor port changes and dealing with limelight limitations.

Later in the week, the team continued to address tasks like the development of climber code, the formulation of auto leveling logic, calibrating photonvision, subsystem logging and the configuration of CAN IDs for the competition bot drivebase. During this productive week, members passed their scouting tests.


Rydar's finalized competition bot assembly

The Design subteam, led by Rydar J. B'24, advanced significantly in completing the robot CAD. Emphasis was placed on CNCing the shooter models, and Rydar took charge of the amp arm, focusing on chain-driving motor mounts and addressing tasks for the wrist and intake motors. Carter W. B’26 worked on the gearbox cover, Gabe A. B’26 on the CNC cage, and Connor M. B’25 on an Ethernet port mount. Despite a power setback in the workspace, the team made headway.

Later in the week, the amp arm neared completion with final tweaks needed. Carter finalized the gearbox cover, and Gabe refined the CNC cage. Ethan O. B’27 started a new Limelight mount. The team aimed for a Thursday completion of the amp arm and continued efforts to meet their goal of finishing the robot over the weekend and on Monday, focusing on both aesthetics and functionality.

Outreach and Business

The Outreach and Business subteams, led by Sol S. B’25 and Santiago Q. B’25, consulted Mentor Kristine Grace for Impact statistics, as well as designed a MOD takeover flyer. Sol held discussions with Activity Leader John Chase to outline plans for summer camp curriculum, practices, and procedures, while creating a comprehensive list of ideas and priorities for the camps in 2024. The team added to Impact with Mrs. Grace, focusing on a refined summer camp application form and later submitting the form to the school. Despite challenges during the Impact editing process, Marie W. B’26 and Carter M. B 26 Also took proactive measures by timing each writing section for efficiency. Later, the team curated images for the robot reveal poster and initiated brainstorming sessions for pit board ideas.


Amy's design for our sponsor board

The Marketing subteam, led by Mac D. B’24, dedicated efforts to Impact work and Ice Cream Social preparation. While Antoinette D. B’25 mass-printed button designs, Claire S. B’27, taking charge of the team's social media presence, posted a detailed recap of week 5, worked on the 25 years banner, and contributed to the build season video. Design and Marketing Mentor Brian Jennings collaborated with the team to create a pit banner, successfully completing the project by the middle of the week.

While Claire continued the build season video, Antoinette and Amy S. B’27 began creating buttons. Additionally, Amy developed handouts for the Ice Cream Social (ICS). The team's diverse tasks included logo design for sponsors, participation in scouting tests, avatar design for The Blue Alliance, and handling other multimedia.


The Scouting subteam, led by Griffin L. B’24, dedicated ample time to grading scout tests, with 28 individuals passing and more undergoing the process. Griffin completed a detailed Blender animation with sound effects, enhancing the training process. He conducted a scout training session for team members, organizing makeup sessions for those who missed it. Additionally, Griffin managed scheduling and held discussions on PowerBI and SQL backup with Scouting Mentor Stephen Shimshock, culminating in the creation of a dedicated alliance selection dashboard.

General Management

Gantt chart for the General Management section in "Departmental Review"

General Management, led by David A. B’25, reached significant milestones. David compiled the Week 5 blog and finished uploading photos. The focus on the Technical Binder, specifically the Departmental Review section, had a focus on the detailed documentation and organized project timelines of each subteam. This week’s General Meeting on competition expectations primed members for Griffin’s comprehensive scout training session.

David began outlining his leadership plan to ensure sustainability for the next General Manager. He meanwhile supported other External subteams by transcribing team income and expenditures into the Technical Binder, as well as creating storyboards for upcoming robot videos. More preparation for Ice Cream Social went into an event script and digital media design.

Upcoming Events

Ice Cream Social and Robot Reveal Once the seven-week Build Season is over, please join us Saturday February 24 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the Campus Center to celebrate the team’s accomplishments. All friends, family, alumni are welcome to join us for ice cream and commemorate this milestone!

End-of-the-Year Party and Desert Auction Once our Competition Season concludes, come back to the Campus Center on June 15 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM to commemorate the 2024 season. We will also host our annual desert auction to fundraise for the team!

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Designed and directed by David Añel B'25 | General Manager 2023-2025

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